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And it couldn’t come quickly enough for me. I feel no sense of melancholy that some people seem to have this time of year. The summer is not my best time of year. Fall (or autumn) is my best time of year.

I have a few flowering plants that do well in the springtime. They start wilting a little in June, and by the time July and August roll around they look pretty fried. I keep them watered because I know that once September and October come around, they’ll bloom again. And true to form, they’ve started blooming again in the last week, which was a little cooler and wetter than the rest of August. They’ll bloom until the end of October, maybe even into November depending on how cold the nights get.

I’m like those flowers. I just shrivel up in the heat and hide inside the house trying not to melt or have heat stroke, and now that it’s cooler I feel vigorous again. It helps that I’m a teacher and for me the year really starts in mid-to-late August, not in January. This time of year means back to work, means new clothes and a new calendar and books and notebooks and pens and blank sheets of paper to fill in (I’m old fashioned in that I use as little technology as possible); it means a new semester full of new students and new possibilities to have the best class ever. I’m off to a great start with my classes this year, too. I feel like I’m going to conquer this puzzle of how to have the best writing class. (We’ll see how great I feel once December gets here.)

I think the fall is the best time for my fibromyalgia–not too hot and not too cold. I mean, I’m sitting here feeling like I can conquer something. That’s pretty incredible that I’m feeling that way. Today I’m going to conquer some yoga and a short bike ride. I’m going to sit under the tree on the new bench that I put together and read in the shade and the cooler temperatures. Maybe I’ll conquer a nap, too. It’s a holiday weekend here so I’ve got a day where I can conquer relaxation, too. Tomorrow I’ve got chores and grading to do, but today I’m setting my sights on relaxation, yoga and a bike ride.

So good-bye summertime blahs and hiding inside and hello possibilities.

(Hopefully I’ll have more energy and inspiration to write in this blog, too. I only wrote two entries in August. How could a month go by and I only wrote twice? Cause it was August, that’s why.)